Phone: 848-257-9008 - 877-939-2328
KYBELLA® is an injectable, prescription treatment used to help improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin. This is most commonly referred to as the “double chin”. KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved non-surgical treatment that Dr. Theocharides uses on his patients in Ocean, NJ. As a matter of fact, it is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for a “double chin”! He is one of the few cosmetic doctors in New Jersey to offer this new and innovative treatment. In a 15 to 20 minute treatment session, Dr. Theocharides will contour the fullness below the chin to smooth the neck for a younger, healthier look.
Fat below the chin or the “double chin” could be something you’ve had your whole life or something that has slowly developed over the years. It can be caused by weight gain, age or genetics. A double chin is often resistant to diet and exercise. No matter how it appears or why, a double chin is something that bothers many people. According to a 2015 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), 67% of people said they’re bothered by under-the-chin fullness, or double chin. Now there’s a non-surgical, long-lasting solution: KYBELLA®. Many patients see visible results in just 2-4 treatments. Further treatment will not be necessary since the fat cells will no longer be able to store fat.
How does KYBELLA® Work?
Who is KYBELLA® For?
Are there any health Risks?