Phone: 848-257-9008 - 877-939-2328
Beauty begins within. Beginnings Aesthetic & Wellness is dedicated to helping our patients look and feel their best. We provide a range of cosmetic treatments that enhance and accentuate your most natural and beautiful self. But looking and feeling your best starts with how you nourish, hydrate and care for your body. When you take care of yourself you will begin to see and feel the changes. Your inner wellness will radiate outwards.
Finding wellness is a personal journey. Eating well, exercising, staying hydrated and taking good care of your skin can help you look and feel your best. Ocean, NJ cosmetic doctor Dr. T reinforces the importance of self-care.
A healthy well-balanced diet can boost your energy levels and keeps your skin staying bright, tight and beautiful. We lose 1% of collagen every year after 30 and this accelerates after menopause. A healthy vitamin C intake can help maintain your natural collagen production.
We recommend our patients stay healthy with natural nutrition supplements from Shaklee. Shaklee products are known for supporting optimal health, including the heart, bones and joints, and healthy skin, hair, and nails. Shaklee products help you establish a daily nutrition routine that you can stick to while also leaving you feeling energized and healthy.
Additionally, eating a plant-based diet can keep your skin radiant while allowing you to maintain your healthy weight. Plant-based diets are rich in vitamins and low in toxins. People who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to have a lower risk of developing systemic disease and show sings of aging slower than meat based diets. Click here to learn more about plant-based nutrition for your wellness.
Always stay hydrated. Be sure to carry a water bottle with you throughout the day to make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water is good for your whole body, and especially your skin. Water helps to remove toxins and helps create a clearer looking skin.
How you live your life impacts your appearance. We know life gets hectic and it can be hard to squeeze in self-care in your busy schedule. But getting plenty of sleep, staying hydrated and regular exercise can help keep you feeling and looking your best.
● Exercising regularly can do wonders for your skin and body. Regular physical activity has been shown to boost your mood, increase your energy and leads to clear, bright skin. People who exercise as a part of their lifestyle live longer and experience less systemic diseases.● Getting plenty of sleep is important for your overall wellness. While you sleep your body regenerates and rests so it can perform at its peak ability. Regular sleep patterns can help improve brain function and help you feel and look refreshed and rejuvenated
Your lifestyle can also age your skin. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and extended sun exposure can cause adverse effects.
● Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C and decreases natural collagen production. ● Smoking can cause premature aging of the skin and body. Years of smoking can leave small wrinkles around the lips making you appear older than you are.● Patients who drink alcohol habitually tend to dehydrate more frequently.● If you spend a lot of time outdoors be sure to slather on sunscreen multiple times throughout the day. Sun exposure is a known cause of skin cancer and can prematurely age your skin.
Washing your face in the morning, and especially at night, can make a significant difference in the condition of your skin. The stratum corneum (dead skin) acts like a sponge absorbing the grease from yesterday’s cooking, environmental toxins, and even the second-hand smoke from a passerby. A regular skin care regiment will help you feel and look better with smoother, tighter and brighter younger looking skin. It is important to exfoliate your skin as a part of your weekly skin care regiment. Removing dead skin buildup keeps your face bright and clean and stimulates new cell growth.
Self Care, Because You Are Worth ItClean, well-moisturized and protected skin is skin at its best. Take the time every morning and evening to care for your face. Here are the 4 essentials to good skincare:
● Cleanse: Always wash your face of daily debris, oils, and makeup.● Tong: Ask Dr. T about what skin toner is best for your skin type.● Moisturize: Moisturize from the outside and inside. Be sure to keep your skin hydrated.● Sun Screen: Wear sunscreen every day, all year long. Sun damage is one of the leading causes of skin cancer and wrinkles.
Take care of your skin with professional products, purchase your Shaklee skincare here
Shaklee - Health and wellness has been one of my passions for many years - after changing my diet, I dropped 25 lbs and cholesterol dropped 30 points!Read Dr. T's story clicking here.
Simplest Exfoliator- Dr. T offers monthly Microdermabrasion treatments for simple and effective exfoliation that penetrates deeper than at home exfoliating. This relaxing pain-free treatment is great for keeping your skin brighter and firmer. Microdermabrasion is even safe when pregnant and can be a great way to relax and treat yourself or a loved one.
Refissa: ReFissa is a cream containing tretinoin – a prescription-strength form of vitamin A. As you age, collagen production decreases leaving the skin loose which can cause wrinkles. ReFissa is designed to work deep on the skin’s cellular level to increase natural collagen production.
PRE-TREATMENT NUTRITIONThere are certain foods and beverages we recommend avoiding prior to treatment up to three weeks in advance. To view the full list of what to avoid and why CLICK Here. We encourage patients to take care of their bodies, get plenty of rest, and enjoy the results of the benefits of personal wellness.
Our health is priceless! We either invest in it now or pay for it later- and later always costs more!
While there is no "everything" test, we invite you to invest in your health with this panel that is only $250** which includes a blood draw in-office & a follow-up video call to discuss your results.
NOTE: You will get a PDF of our discussion along with a password protected PDF of your results to your email. Your password will be your last name and date of birth in this format: LastnameYYYYMMDD
CBC (anemia, white count, platelets and other blood components)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (electrolytes, liver and kidney function)Lipid Panel (best to check when fasting = at least 8 hours no food or caffine (water permitted))● Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides,etc
Diabetic Screening:● Hemoglobin A1c● Insulin
Thyroid:● TSH 3rd Generation● Free T4● Free T3● Reverse T3● Thyroid Antibodies
Imflammatory Markers:● CRP Cardio/Neo (HS)● Homocysteine
Vitamins:● Vitamin B12● Vitamin D-25 Hydroxy● Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy (active vitamin D hormone)● Folate
Hormones:● FSH● Estradiol● Progesterone● DHEA-SULFATE● Total Testosterone (total = free and protein bound)● Free Testosterone (free = unbound)(as part of a male panel)● SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)
*** additional testing may be available at additional cost, depending on the test(s)
Sleep: Adequate quantity AND quality - THREE hours before bed:
● Shut off ALL electronics● No food● Avoid strenuous exercise● DARK room - eye shades and/or black curtains● Quiet - white noise as needed● Consider a sleep app such as Sleep Cycle or an Oüra Ring● Camomile tea or LOW dose melatonin - 0.5 mg● REGULAR AND CONSISTENT bed and rise times
2. Diet - anti-inflammatory:Whole foods (plant based or Mediterranean) - the less processed the better
● Targeted supplements (I take customized supplements for my individual needs)● Take this free Meology Health Assessment and 110,000,000 combinations will be narrowed down to your individual needs here:● Remember - there is no healthy juice - if it does not grow out of the ground it is processed!● Think of juice as dessert● Please read the labels!● 80% of processed foods have added sugar ● The addiction of salt, oil and sugar ... if addicted, let me show you how to detox
3. Exercise 30 min daily
● Aerobic● Strength training● Stretching● Avoid addiction - there is such a thing as too much exercise!
4. Relationships
● Healthy, nurturing, loving, supportive, non-toxic● Unhealthy = manipulative, toxic, gas-lighting, etc
5. Managing stresseustress
● Avoid di-stress (like dis-ease)● Our response is a choice - optimism - glass half full or half empty?● Meditation / prayer● Attitude of gratitude - gratitude journal
Vitamin D
Reminder about vitamin D
“Normal” for most labs = 30-100 ng/ml OPTIMAL = 50-80 ng/ml (for 25-OH vitamin D)
Also, be sure to take vitamin K2 with your vitamin D to help direct the calcium to your bones and not your arteries
(UNLESS you are on blood thinners or have medical issues where K2 may not be appropriate - check with your doctor)