Phone: 848-257-9008 - 877-939-2328
An alternative to Liposuction and other surgical options, ThermiTight™ is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure performed by Dr. Theocharides in one of our Central NJ locations. ThermiTight™ is used to tighten skin, for body contouring, and for wrinkle reduction. ThermiTight™ uses targeted radio frequency (RF) energy to deliver a two part heat therapy, tightening skin at the surface and restructuring sub dermal areas for improved contouring. ThermiTight™ is a primarily a non-surgical and affordable way to tighten skin. It is most commonly used to tighten skin on the face but can also be used on the neck, breasts, arms, abdomen, thighs, and knees. While this treatment will not replace surgery, such as a facelift, it is the next best thing for patients who are not ready or who cannot undergo a surgical procedure.