Phone: 848-257-9008 - 877-939-2328
For many women, life events and aging can ultimately result in a loosening of the delicate skin and tissue of the vaginal area. Known as vulvovaginal laxity, this condition can affect sexual satisfaction for both partners and have an impact on this aspect of your relationship.
ThermiGyn has developed a revolutionary treatment that can restore your sense of confidence and fulfillment when it comes to the intimacy in your life. A non-invasive treatment called ThermiVa™ uses the proven results of FDA approved ThermiRF™ radio-frequency device that induces heat to tighten loose skin in the vaginal area.
This revolutionary vaginal rejuvenation procedure has also been shown to be effective in treating mild stress incontinence, vaginal dryness and sexual dysfunction that has resulted from decreased sensitivity. With ThermiVa™, there is minimal to no discomfort during your brief treatment (approximately 30 minutes per session) and normal sexual activity can be resumed the same day.*